Malware Sample Sources for Researchers
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Malware Sample Sources for Researchers

Malware researchers have the need to collect malware samples to research threat techniques and develop defenses. Researchers can . They can also download samples from. They can also obtain malware samples from the following sources:

  • : Free; password required
  • : Free; registration required
  • : Free
  • : Free; registration required
  • : Free; registration required
  • : Commercial
  • : Free; provides links to live sites; may include benign files
  • : Free; provides links to potentially-malicious executables shared on Twitter
  • : Free
  • : Free
  • : Free

Be careful not to infect yourself when accessing and experimenting with malicious software!

Thanks to Mila for outlining many of these sources in.

My other lists of on-line security resources outline and .

